Wrestlemania 12: Was Shawn Michaels anger at Bret Hart justified?

Publish date: 2024-03-26

The Montreal Screwjob will clearly be a never ending argument for years to come. Here we are some 12 years later and everyone still has their opinion. Everyone has their favorite whom they've sided with, and for some of us we are fans of both. I for one, am a huge fan of both. I recently finished reading "Hitman" and having read "Heartbreak and Triumph" twice, it's still hard for me to figure out just who was wrong and who was right. Everyone involved seems to have their own opinions that they feel strongly about. It's pretty obvious that in what was probably the biggest battle of egos of all time. Bret, Shawn and Vince all have their faults in the situation. I haven't watched their Iron Man Match in several months, so I couldn't tell you if I honestly thought Bret was no selling. Obviously if he was, it would've been a dick move, and unprofessional at that. On the other hand, I've always thought that Shawn was pretty out of line when he ordered Bret "the fuck out of the ring." For me, it would've been much cooler to have seen the two shake hands. But I guess in retrospect, if that had happened, it wouldn't have set up Bret's eventual heel turn. Having said all that, I don't think Shawn told him to get the fuck out because he was pissed that Bret no sold. I think Shawn was just extremely immature and selfish and wanted his dramatic celebration to be completely solo.
