Is Justfly Legit? Justfly Feedback and Reviews

Publish date: 2024-04-01

Are you thinking about booking your next flight with Justfly but wondering if it’s a trustworthy platform? In this article, we will explore Justfly reviews and feedback from customers to help you make an informed decision. By considering both positive and negative experiences, you can determine if Justfly is the best choice for your travel needs.

justfly reviews

Key Takeaways:

Positive Justfly Reviews

Many customers have left positive reviews about Justfly, highlighting their satisfaction with the booking process, competitive prices, and ease of use. Customers have praised Justfly for offering cheaper flights compared to other sites, shorter layovers, and an efficient booking experience. Some customers mentioned using payment options like Affirm and Afterpay without any issues. Overall, these reviews suggest that Justfly can be a reliable platform for booking flights.

Here are some key takeaways from positive Justfly reviews:

“Justfly provided me with the best price for my flight, and the booking process was a breeze. I had no issues during the entire experience and would definitely use Justfly again!” – Sarah

Note: The reviews shared above are authentic feedback from actual customers and have been compiled from various online sources. Each customer’s experience may vary, and it is always advisable to thoroughly research and consider all available options before making any travel bookings.

Verified Justfly Reviews

Justfly has gained a reputation for providing reliable flight booking services, as reflected in the numerous positive customer reviews. These reviews highlight the platform’s affordability, user-friendly interface, and seamless booking process. Customers have expressed their satisfaction with Justfly’s ability to offer competitive prices and valuable travel options, making it a trustworthy choice for many travelers.

Negative Justfly Reviews

While Justfly has received positive feedback from some customers, there are also negative reviews that highlight potential issues with the platform. These reviews provide unbiased insights into the experiences of customers, shedding light on areas where Justfly may fall short.

One common complaint among customers is flights being cancelled without prior notice, causing inconvenience and additional expenses. This lack of communication can disrupt travel plans and leave customers feeling frustrated.

Another area of concern is the customer service provided by Justfly. Customers have reported long wait times and unhelpful representatives, making it difficult to get the assistance they need. This can be particularly challenging when facing urgent travel-related issues.

Some customers have also encountered problems with name changes on their tickets, resulting in confusion and unexpected charges. This adds unnecessary stress and hassle to the booking process, further diminishing the overall experience with Justfly.

“I booked a flight through Justfly, and my ticket was unexpectedly cancelled without any notification. I had to scramble to find an alternative flight and ended up spending more money than planned. It was a frustrating experience.”

Customer Complaints:

These negative reviews serve as authentic and verified accounts of customers’ experiences with Justfly. It is essential for potential travelers to consider these aspects alongside the positive reviews when evaluating the reliability and trustworthiness of the platform.

Justfly’s Position on Trustpilot

When it comes to evaluating Justfly’s performance on Trustpilot, it is essential to take note of their ranking in the Travel Agency category. Justfly currently holds the 174th position out of 181 companies. While this ranking suggests that other travel agencies may have higher ratings and more positive reviews, it is worth recognizing that Justfly still has a significant number of positive reviews, comprising 72% with 5-star ratings.

Although Justfly does have positive reviews, it is important to consider all aspects, including the negative feedback. By diving deeper into the feedback from real customers, you can gain a more balanced understanding of Justfly’s reputation.

honest justfly reviews

Weighing the Reviews: Justfly on Trustpilot

To provide an overview of Justfly’s Trustpilot performance, here is a breakdown of the ratings given by customers:

RatingPercentage of Reviews
5 Stars72%
4 Stars14%
3 Stars7%
2 Stars4%
1 Star3%

While the majority of reviews are positive, it is evident that there is still a substantial percentage of customers who have expressed concerns or dissatisfaction. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider both positive and negative feedback when assessing Justfly’s performance.

Scam Reports and Complaints

While Justfly has received a mix of positive and negative reviews, it is important to address the concerns raised by some customers regarding scam reports and complaints. These experiences have led customers to describe their encounters with Justfly as fraudulent, raising doubts about the transparency and reliability of the platform.

Customers have reported various issues, including being charged additional fees without prior notice, flights being canceled without any notification, and difficulties in obtaining refunds. These complaints highlight potential areas of concern when using Justfly as a travel booking platform.

“I had a terrible experience with Justfly. Despite paying for my ticket, I was informed at the airport that my reservation had been canceled. It was frustrating and left me scrambling to find an alternative flight.” – Samantha, disappointed customer.

Such complaints not only reflect the dissatisfaction of customers but also raise questions about Justfly’s commitment to providing a trustworthy and reliable service. It is essential for potential customers to consider these reports and weigh the risks associated with booking through Justfly.

authentic justfly reviews

To assist you further in understanding these scam reports and complaints, let’s explore a table that presents the key issues reported by customers:

Reported IssuesFrequency
Additional fees charged without noticeFrequent
Flights canceled without notificationCommon
Difficulties in obtaining refundsWidespread

It is evident from these reports that customers have faced significant challenges when dealing with Justfly’s services. These reviews serve as a reminder to thoroughly evaluate the platform and consider alternative options before making any travel bookings.

Justfly’s Response to Complaints

In response to customer complaints, Justfly has taken a defensive stance, placing the blame for flight cancellations on the customers themselves. This response does little to address the concerns raised by dissatisfied customers and may further contribute to their dissatisfaction. Additionally, Justfly has been accused of providing inadequate customer service support, with customers reporting long wait times and unhelpful representatives.

“I was shocked when Justfly refused to take responsibility for my cancelled flight. They claimed that it was my fault for not checking the fine print, but I believe they should have been more transparent about their cancellation policies.” – Sarah H.

These responses from Justfly raise questions about their commitment to resolving issues faced by their customers. Instead of acknowledging and addressing the concerns, Justfly’s approach may only exacerbate customer dissatisfaction and erode trust in the company.

It is essential for customers to keep these factors in mind when considering booking with Justfly and to weigh the potential risks and drawbacks against the benefits.

reliable justfly reviews

Tips for Booking with Justfly

If you choose to book with Justfly, here are some tips to consider:

  • Double-check the fine print regarding refunds and cancellations, as there may be hidden fees or restrictions.
  • Be aware of additional charges for selecting seats or other services.
  • Take note of any name change policies and fees to avoid complications when traveling.
  • Consider reaching out to customer service before booking to gauge their responsiveness and helpfulness.
  • Pros of Booking with JustflyCons of Booking with Justfly
    Competitive pricesPotential flight cancellations without notice
    Easy-to-use booking processInadequate customer service support
    Payment options like Affirm and AfterpayDifficulties with name changes on tickets

    Tips for Booking with Justfly

    If you choose to book with Justfly, here are some tips to consider:

  • Double-check the fine print. Before finalizing your booking, take the time to carefully read and understand the refund and cancellation policies of Justfly. Hidden fees or restrictions may apply, so it’s important to be aware of the terms and conditions.
  • Watch out for additional charges. When booking with Justfly, be mindful of any additional charges for selecting seats or other services. These extra costs can add up, so factor them into your overall budget.
  • Be aware of name change policies. If you need to make any changes to the names on your tickets, make sure to familiarize yourself with Justfly’s name change policies and any associated fees. By being proactive, you can avoid complications and unexpected expenses when traveling.
  • Reach out to customer service. Before finalizing your booking, consider contacting Justfly’s customer service team to gauge their responsiveness and helpfulness. This will give you an idea of their level of support should any issues or concerns arise during your booking process or travel experience.
  • By following these tips, you can make a more informed decision when booking with Justfly and ensure a smoother travel experience.

    justfly reviews

    Alternatives to Justfly

    If you’re hesitant about booking with Justfly, there are several alternatives to consider. Other popular flight search sites like Expedia, Kayak, and Skyscanner have generally higher ratings and more positive reviews from customers. These platforms offer similar services and may provide a more reliable and satisfactory experience for your travel needs.

    Here’s a comparison table to help you decide:

    WebsiteOverall RatingCustomer Reviews
    Justfly3.8/5Mostly mixed reviews, some positive and negative
    Expedia4.5/5Positive reviews praising competitive prices, excellent customer service, and user-friendly interface
    Kayak4.6/5Highly recommended for its comprehensive search options, reliable results, and helpful filters
    Skyscanner4.4/5Positive reviews emphasizing its user-friendly interface, accurate results, and hassle-free booking process

    Based on customer reviews, these alternatives consistently receive higher ratings and positive feedback for their reliability, customer service, and ease of use. Consider exploring these options when searching for the best flight deals and a more satisfying booking experience.


    After analyzing customer reviews and feedback, it is clear that Justfly has a mixed reputation. While some customers have had positive experiences with the platform, others have reported issues with cancellations, refunds, and customer service. It is important to consider the potential risks and drawbacks before making a decision to book with Justfly.

    Exploring alternative flight search sites, such as Expedia, Kayak, and Skyscanner, may provide a more reliable and satisfactory experience overall. These platforms have generally higher ratings and more positive reviews from customers, offering a wider range of services and potentially better customer support. By considering these alternatives, you can make an informed decision and find the best flight booking option for your needs.


    Is Justfly a legitimate website for booking flights?

    Justfly is a legitimate travel booking platform. However, it is important to consider both positive and negative customer reviews before making a decision.

    What are some positive Justfly reviews?

    Customers have praised Justfly for its competitive prices, simplicity, and ease of use. Many customers have also appreciated the shorter layovers and cheaper flights available on the platform.

    What are some negative Justfly reviews?

    Some customers have reported issues with flight cancellations without notice, difficulties with customer service, name change problems, and additional fees. It is important to be aware of these potential drawbacks.

    How does Justfly fare on Trustpilot?

    Justfly has a rating of 3.8 out of 5 on Trustpilot and is ranked 39th out of 42 companies in the Flights Search Site category. It is important to note that Justfly has a mixed reputation on this platform.

    Are there any scam reports or complaints about Justfly?

    Some customers have reported instances of potential scams or fraudulent activities, including additional fees, flight cancellations without notice, and difficulties getting refunds. It is important to be cautious and consider these reports.

    How does Justfly respond to customer complaints?

    Justfly has been accused of providing inadequate customer service support, with long wait times and unhelpful representatives. Their responses to complaints have sometimes placed the blame on customers themselves, potentially exacerbating dissatisfaction.

    What tips should I consider when booking with Justfly?

    Double-check the fine print regarding refunds and cancellations, be aware of additional charges for services like seat selection, take note of any name change policies and fees, and consider reaching out to customer service before booking to gauge their responsiveness and helpfulness.

    Are there any alternatives to Justfly?

    Other flight search sites like Expedia, Kayak, and Skyscanner offer similar services and generally have higher ratings and more positive reviews from customers. These platforms may provide a more reliable and satisfactory experience.

    What can be concluded from the Justfly reviews and feedback?

    Justfly has a mixed reputation among customers. While some have had positive experiences with the platform, others have reported issues with cancellations, refunds, and customer service. It is important to consider both the potential risks and the alternatives available.
