Netflix Announces Class, The Official Indian Remake Of Elite

Publish date: 2024-04-07

Class, an adaptation of the popular Spanish series Elite created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, has debuted on Netflix India. This young adult series chronicles the tumultuous events that occur when two worlds collide, upending families, relationships, and the lives of students from prominent families. When three new students from vastly different backgrounds challenge the existing dynamics at New Delhi’s upscale Hampton International, sparks fly.

Class Netflix Release Date

As of right now, The Class appears to be a good show, and many people are excited about it; as fans of Elite, we certainly hope that it will be great and not a ramification of things. Netflix recently held a fan event called Tudum, during which they released and discussed a number of Netflix original movies and series. Many new teasers, trailers, and announcements about the upcoming Netflix originals have been released.

In the same event, Netflix released ‘Class’ and its teaser. If you’re wondering about the release date, we’re wondering too because Netflix hasn’t released it yet, but it will surely be out soon as the teaser is released and it all looks beautiful and dramatic, the same scenes and story look nice.

Class by Netflix is the official Indian remake of Elite

Elite, one of Netflix’s most popular shows, follows three working-class teenagers who enroll in an exclusive private school in Spain. They clash with the wealthy students of the uber-luxurious school, resulting in a murder. Elite Season 6 is expected to premiere in 2023, directed by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona. The Indian adaptation of the show, Class, will be directed by Ashim Ahluwalia and distributed by Bodhi Tree Multimedia. Here’s everything you need to know about Netflix’s Class.

The Indian adaptation of the show follows the same premise, but the screenplay has been altered to appeal to the Indian audience. The story takes place at Hampton International, an upscale school in New Delhi, where three students from non-elite backgrounds enroll and things change forever.

Class Netflix Plot

The Class would follow the same plot as Elite, with some obvious changes to accommodate the Indian audience and setting. Instead of Spain, the school is called Hampton International School and is located in Delhi. The Class will follow the story of three teenagers from lower-middle or middle-class families who are accepted into Delhi’s prestigious and elite school. They are both excited and nervous to be a part of this school and experience, but they are unaware of the challenges they will face.

There will be humiliation, mockery, and bullying, as well as murder. The crazy teen life includes more than just alcohol, drugs, and casual relationships; it also includes jealousy, anger, and other emotions that can spiral out of control if triggered. Every family has a secret that they will try to keep hidden; you will see how the rich get richer while the poor struggle; and teenagers can judge people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. Students who are new to the school must prove themselves while also dealing with things like bullying and rich people’s crimes.

There will be parties, alcohol, and a lot of drama between the children and their parents. Every family in Elite had their own set of secrets and problems, which they were all attempting to overcome. We won’t know if these new kids will be able to fit in at school until the show airs.

Class Netflix Cast

View some of the series’ key cast members below.

Where To Watch Class Online?

The Class will release on Netflix, and it will be available there as it is an original show.

Class Netflix Teaser
