Tasha Page Lockhart Parents Are Her Biggest Gospel Inspirations

Publish date: 2024-05-11

Tasha Page Lockhart guardians are Lisa Page and Michael Creeks. Her mom Lisa is a gospel vocalist and stepfather Michael is a diocesan.

Tasha Page is an American Christian R&B and Metropolitan Contemporary gospel craftsman and artist. She won the gospel singing contest, Sunday Best, in season six of Wagered.

Her music vocation began by joining her mom’s ladies’ gospel bunch, Witness. Her performance vocation began in 2013 with the Sunday Best Reality gospel singing rivalry on BET.

Lockhart isn’t simply a vocalist however a prestigious persuasive orator and creator. She distributed a book in 2017 named “And the Victor Is Tasha Page-Lockhart Whole.”

The Gospel artist should be visible in her new TV unscripted TV drama named Developed and Gospel. Other cast individuals in the series incorporate Nikkia Cole-Ocean side, Breeann Hammond, J. Streams, Elijah Connor, and Shana Wilson.

Tasha Page Lockhart was raised by guardians Lisa Page Creeks and Michal Streams. The two of them are a piece of the congregation of Gospel gatherings.

The renowned artist Tasha has two more youthful sisters, and one brother named Justin Streams. They are an affectionate family that follows Christianity and are an individual from the Gospel bunch.

Tasha Page Lockhart’s experience growing up was loaded up with promising and less promising times, she failed to keep a grip on her life and became dependent on drugs at 17 years old, became pregnant at 17 years old, and exited secondary school.

As everything was turning out badly with her life, so she chose to move to Atlanta and entered the music service. This totally completely changed her.

Tasha Page Lockhart mother Lisa Page Creeks is an American metropolitan contemporary gospel, conventional gospel music recording craftsman and artist.

Lisa was keen on music since early on and needed to have a lifelong in it. Following her enthusiasm, not set in stone to deliver her independent collection subsequent to joining a female gospel bunch.

Lisa Page Creeks began her music vocation in 1986 with her single, Witness. Her independent music vocation started in 1997, and she has since delivered four independent studio collections, More Than You’ll At any point Be, Major areas of strength for aware Prepared.

Her mother’s independent studio collections were significant hits, three of her collections diagrammed on the Bulletin magazine graphs.

Lisa is at present 60 years old starting around 2023 and is exceptionally near the entirety of her youngsters. She is dynamic in her melodic profession and devotes her opportunity to the Gospel bunch and sorting out different strict projects.

Tasha Page Lockhart step father Michael Streams is a performer and minister of the Gospel gatherings.

The vocalist’s mom Lisa and Michael has been hitched for a long time. The couple was recently hitched to others. Nonetheless, they in the end tracked down their direction to one another after their particular partitions.

Michael and his significant other live respectively with their little girl in Detroit, Michigan. They are carrying on with a cheerful and agreeable coexistence as accomplices.

Tasha’s dad is a lyricist, alongside being a minister and performer. He is one of the famous appearances locally of Gospel gatherings.

The minister has been engaged with different of their congregation’s strict projects, which have been tremendous triumphs. As of late, he went to The Culmination Meeting, which generally affects the Gospel people group.

Tasha Page Lockhart spouse Thomas Vernon House is an eminent Minister, creator, speaker, and pioneer behind House Worldwide Services, Inc.

The minister has given his life to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and enabling individuals to change their lives through confidence and self-improvement.

Thomas trusted in the force of schooling and composed the book Figuring out how to Be Better Before I Become Bigger, which underlined the significance of personal growth prior to seeking after progress in any field.

Thomas Vernon’s book has gotten positive input and has propelled numerous perusers to seek after greatness and embrace a development mentality.

His service work has taken him from one side of the planet to the other. He has given inspirational talks, drove courses and studios, and worked with networks to impact positive change.

Thomas can interface with individuals from varying backgrounds, and his messages of trust and change have contacted the existences of innumerable individuals.

Tasha and Thomas wedded in a private function in Place of Affection in Detroit, Michigan. The lady’s back up parent, Ruler Drolo Bosso Adamtey 1, directed at their wedding, which was a great issue for individuals of their local area.

Before Thomas, Tasha Page Lockhart wedded Clifton James “Bluff” Lockhard In July 2006. They have two youngsters together. They chose to get a separation in 2018.

Develop and Gospel is WE television’s most current unscripted TV drama, which follows five vocation driven cherished, lifelong companions. They make progress toward outcome in the Detroit gospel scene and somewhere else.

The five companions rise out of the shadows of their noticeable guardians and familial administrations to figure out how to explore the gospel music business while setting out on their own endeavors.

The Developed and Gospel show appeared on Walk 29, 2023. The series has gotten blended surveys from audiences, with some lauding it and others guaranteeing it was an exercise in futility.

The nearby gathering of companions battles with their severe childhood and exclusive requirements as they endeavor to be the gospel’s new age, with some in any event, needing to altogether forsake the class.

The show will zero in on their own lives as they uncover broken hearts, uncover dim mysteries, and figure out how to adjust everything. Carlos Lord, oneself declared Ruler of Unscripted television and previous Genuine Housewives star, created the show.
