The Netflix Fantasy Adventure That Beat Disney At Its Own Game This Year

Publish date: 2024-03-25

One main difference to be noted between Nimona and Wish is that Nimona embraces the “darkness” and rougher realities of the world, while Wish does the typical Disney thing and irons out all of the rough edges to present a happier picture of society. For example, Nimona’s two main characters are themselves a part of communities that are often discriminated against and marginalized. Nimona is a symbol for the trans community, as the character “shapeshifts” and uses male and female pronouns when self-identifying throughout the movie. Boldheart is an unabashedly gay man who has a tumultuous love affair with Ambrosius Goldenloin throughout the progression of the film. It’s highly unlikely that Disney would have restrained themselves from flattening the dynamics of Nimona had their executives done the work to produce the movie. 

While Wish does have Spanish culture and a strong female lead, the story is a bit shallow when you look for depth. The King is holding people’s wishes hostage, and the people must be awoken to revolt against the tyranny. It all sounds fairly standard. You have a clear-cut heroine, a villain, and the victims who need to be saved when you watch Wish
