Can Beards Get Lice?

Publish date: 2024-04-29

So, you can get them on most parts of your body, but what about the beard? According to Lice Doctors, it's possible you'll find lice in the beard, but it's probably not their final destination. Lice seek out the warmest crannies on your body, like behind your ears, or in the case of those pesky pubic lice, in your groin. Generally, beards are too exposed, and the skin beneath them will be tougher to penetrate than the scalp. After all, lice can't survive without your blood, so having a reliable place to suck it out of you is really all they care about.

Lice infestations are most common by way of children, especially those in school, where contact and transmission is common. The best things you can do are to be sure to wash all clothes and bedding to do away with eggs, keep your beard and any other hair trimmed close, vacuum thoroughly, and look into special treatment shampoos and other products. Oh yeah, and don't rub your head against other people's... it's a weird thing to do. 

So, while it's pretty unlikely you'll find lice in your beard, there's a chance — just a really small one. The Lice Doctors claimed to have seen it only three times in 20 years of treatment. Unless you're a ZZ Top member, you're probably in the clear.
