Who Are The 10 Highest Paid Lawyers In The USA?

Publish date: 2024-05-11

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When it comes to being a jack of all trades, no one can do it better than lawyers. However, does this mean that a person can use their profession to garner wealth and fame for themselves? Apparently so, and the question arises, who are the 10 current highest paid lawyers in the U.S.A.? Well, here’s an extensive list of the highest paid lawyers who not only guarantee to make you win your case, but also promise to leave you high and dry in terms of your monetary worth.

10) Ana Quincoces - Net Worth: $8 Million

If you combine beauty with brains, the end result is Ana Quincoces. The blonde beauty is no damsel in distress; instead, she is a multi-talented chef, reality star show and of course, one of the highest paid lawyers, who currently has a net worth of $8 million. Born and raised in Miami, she has quickly used her skills to bring about a change in her life as she showcased her defendant skills in the court of law. Currently, she is a successful writer who’s doing way more than fighting cases in court.

9) Vernon Jordan - Net Worth: $12 Million

Vernon Jordan kick started his career as a civil rights activist and he has devoted his life and career to bringing about a change in society. The aging lawyer was born in Georgia and earned his law degree from the Howard University School of Law. Ever since his graduation, he knew his motive in life and till date, he’s dedicated his life to making decisions relating to racial discrimination in Georgia. Currently, he’s sitting on a net worth of $12 million.

8) Thomas Mesereau - Net Worth: $ 25 Million

If you’re aware of Michael Jackson’s fame, then you are bound to know Thomas Mesereau. He defended his well-known client, Mr. Jackson, in the child molestation case way back in 2005. He also played a pivotal role in the rape investigation of Mike Tyson. His modesty and his humane values are underplayed as he currently stands at a net worth of $25 million. We need more men like Thomas Mesereau, especially, if we have to heal the world and make it a better place (as Micheal Jackson had rightly envisioned).

7) Erin Brockovich - Net Worth: $42 Million

If the name itself does not ring a bell, then probably her fight for the environment will. Currently clocking a net worth of $42 million, Erin Brockovich has been an active environmentalist fighting against organizations to ensure that the environment gets its fair due. Some of her famous cases were against the Pacific Gas company, way back in 1993. There was also a movie based on her called Erin Brockovich, where Julia Roberts played the lead role.

6) John Branca - Net Worth: $50 Million

Well, if having a net worth of $50 million gets counted in the list of the highest earning lawyers, then John Branca would definitely be counted among the top 10. His experience in the field of entertainment law and real estate law has left his clients extremely happy over the years. John completed his law degree from UCLA School of Law. He comes from the bustling state of New York; although, he moved to California at the age of 11.

5) Robert Shapiro - Net Worth: $50 Million

Well, even celebrities need attorneys, and this is where Robert Shapiro, a man with a net worth of $50 million, comes in. He was born and raised in the state of New Jersey; however, ever since he earned his law degree, he has defended famous personalities and athletes in the court of law. One of the cases he is most famous for taking on is athlete O.J. Simpson.

4) Roy Black - Net Worth: $65 Million

Roy Black is currently at a net worth of $65 million and is well-known for his criminal cases wherein he defended his clients William Kennedy Smith and Rush Limbaugh. Leaving a mark on the reality crime shows, he’s made himself known in terms of fighting criminal cases all throughout the U.S.A. Born and raised in New York, the efficient lawyer is not ready to stop at anything to make his case a winning case.

3) Willie Gary - Net Worth: $100 Million

Don’t go by his simplistic features and easy to read personality. Not only is he a motivational speaker, but Willie Gary has also earned a name for himself in the field of business and law. Originally from Georgia, he graduated in law from the North Carolina Central University. Ever since, there has been no looking back for the $100 million man, who continues to lead Martin County’s first ever black law firm.

2) Joe Jamail Jr. - Net Worth: $1.5 Billion

When it comes to being aggressive, abrasive, as well as well spoken, Joe Jamail Jr. is the advocate for you. His tactics in the Supreme Court have not only earned him a dangerous reputation, but also made him rule the hearts of the judges and the clients alike. He’s definitely a person who deserves to have a net worth of $ 1.5 billion.

1) Richard Scruggs - Net Worth: $1.7 Billion

Believe it or not, but there is reason why Richard Scruggs was proclaimed as the “King of Torts”. Currently, his net worth is close to $1.7 billion and given his rich experience in the field of tobacco law, he has pretty much carved a name for himself in the dynamic field of law.
