GoFundMe; Gavin Sedano died in a car accident

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Tragically, an automobile accident claimed the life of Azusa, California native Gavin Sedano.

He was an altruistic, caring individual who constantly put the needs of others above his own.

Maria and Roberto Sedano welcomed their son Gavin into the world on March 14, 1992.

Gavin earned a business administration degree from California State University, Los Angeles after graduating from Azusa High School in 2010. He was a driven, aspirational person who never gave up on his dreams.

GoFundme have been created to help generate funds for the family

Hello friends and family, we are saddened by the unexpected loss of our beloved Gavin this morning June 4th. We want to give Gavin the memorial he deserves, to honor his memory and say our last goodbyes. We are kindly asking for donations to help cover the cost of Gavin’s funeral. We need to raise $25k in order to be able to afford the funeral services. Any donation that you may find in your hearts to contribute to, are kindly appreciated Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.

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