Why Was Streamer xQc Ex Girlfriend Adept Arrested? Full Story

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Twitch streamer xQc and his ex-girlfriend Adept are once again all over the headlines, as rumors are that the LAPD has arrested Adept. Let’s explore.

Felix Lengyel, famously known as xQc, is a Canadian Twitch streamer born in 1995 on November 12.

He began streaming on Twitch at 19, initially only playing League of Legends.

After some time, he got into another famous game, Overwatch.

He got extremely good at Overwatch, leading him to play it professionally as part of a famous gaming team.

Since then, his fame has only grown bigger, and not only his professional life but his personal life often make the headlines.

This time, he is all over the news for a rumor that his ex-girlfriend Adept has been arrested.

Streamer xQc’s Stolen Car Sparks Rumors: Is Adept Arrested? Fans Troll Amid Legal Drama

The rumors of Adept being arrested started surfacing on the Internet after one of xQc’s streams went viral.

In the stream, xQc talks about someone stealing his car, the McLaren 720-S Spider.

He does not directly say that his ex-girlfriend Adept did it, but he gives a subtle hint to his fans.

According to him, the court has frozen all his assets, including his McLaren, due to a recent legal battle.

Anyone selling the car at the moment would be illegal.

Fans believe that xQc was refraining from taking Adept’s name because of their legal dispute.

This situation has now created an opportunity for the fans of xQc to troll his ex-girlfriend, Adept.

Some even create fake mugshots of Adept to imply that police have arrested her and she is in jail.

They believe Adept should be arrested for selling xQc’s McLaren without his consent.

One user writes a caption under her fake mug shot saying,

Adept is under the custody of LAPD after selling xQc’s car at a cheaper price.

Another user adds, “She may be very broke to have done this.”

However, none of the news sites has covered the arrest news of Adept. So, for now, we can say that the police have not arrested Adept.

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Online Trolling And Rumors About xQc’s Ex-Girlfriend Adept: No Confirmation Of Arrest As Of Yet

While these tweets are purely a joke and an attempt to troll Adept, we do not know if the Police Department will take the initiative.

Especially because even though she may have had the right to sell the car, the court had frozen it.

No official documents or reports suggest that Adept is under arrest by the LAPD as of yet.

Adept has also not come forward to say anything about the ongoing rumors about her.

Meanwhile, people also make other trolls and memes about her, calling her broke.

They think xQc should get the car back by navigating who Adept sold it to.

Streamer xQc has clarified that even though he wants to buy the car, he is not doing it right now.

He says

It is what it is because there is a whole court proceeding happening right now.

This incident is going viral on the Internet and does not seem to stop any time soon.

We might get to see more of the Internet drama between the ex-couple.

However, there is a chance that they will keep it low-key this time due to the court’s demand.

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