What does a red triangle road sign with an exclamation mark mean?

Publish date: 2024-04-04

TRIANGULAR traffic signs warn a driver of an approaching hazard.

Here, we look at what an exclamation mark means on a sign.

What does an exclamation mark in a red triangle mean?

The exclamation mark sign is housed in a red bordered triangle.

It alerts the motorist to a hazard ahead.

The symbol comes with an additional sign beneath which will warn of the hazard, for example a hidden dip.

According to the RAC, many drivers believe an exclamation mark in a red triangle is solely used to warn of a hidden dip in the road.


However, the sign can indicate any temporary and permanent hazards that aren’t easily represented using symbols. 

It is important to drive more cautiously when you spot the hazard sign.

What does a red triangle road sign mean?

Triangular signs with a red border are warning signs.

Triangles warn, whereas circles give orders and rectangles inform.

Most read in Motors

What hazard would be shown in a red triangle?

There are a variety of pictures and words that appear in hazard signs.

For example they warn when the road goes from two lanes to one; crossroads or a staggered junction; double bend; and roundabout.

Pictures on the signs can also warn of two way traffic, narrow road ahead, and steep hill, with the gradient of the slope written on it.

It can also have a picture of a parent and child crossing the road, which denotes a school crossing.

Words written on the signs include try your brakes, which tells you to do this after crossing a ford or before descending a steep hill, in order to make sure your brakes are safe to continue.

Others could include "ford" which denotes that there is an upcoming shallow bed of water.

Inverted triangles are used to warn the driver that they will need to slow down or stop as other traffic has priority, such as a give way sign.

How many road signs are used?

There are millions of road signs used across the UK.

However, there are three primary signs used that inform the road user of the next actions to take when driving.


Circular signs give orders, triangular signs warn and rectangular signs inform.

The colour of these signs denote a difference in the message.
