5 Popular Jobs in Foreign Countries

Publish date: 2024-03-27

If you find yourself lamenting the bygone days of youthful global gallivanting or feeling one foot deeper in the grave with every passing work day, you might be in for a change of scenery and a massive dose of adventure. Due to visa restrictions, language barriers, and the forthright daunting idea of completely uprooting and relocating somewhere else, finding programs to work abroad or other jobs in foreign countries may seem like a near impossible dream that only drifting hippies and corporate big shots are capable of.

However, a little known secret are the heaps of resources for finding work abroad programs that will get people legal, paid, and working all in the same easy bundle. Landing that dream international job, especially straight out of college with limited experience, can be incredibly overwhelming. Programs to work abroad will do all the legwork for you, so that you can avoid the messy red tape and acrobatics just to land an interview at an unreliable company. Having a support staff and connections to trustworthy employers is never a bad springboard to have as you plunge into the unknown abroad. 

Rejuvenate your routine and rediscover your sense of childlike wonder in everyday life by experiencing life in a new country. We can’t lead you to the fountain of youth, but you’ll undoubtedly be off your rocker for these 5 programs to work abroad—to help you find jobs in foreign countries—that we can’t get enough of

1. Working Holiday in New Zealand

Canoes on a lake

Get dirt under your nails in some of the world’s most stunning landscapes

Spend up to a year working and traveling throughout Lord of the Rings-esque landscapes while immersed in the unique Kiwi culture of New Zealand with working holiday jobs in foreign countries. Programs to work abroad organized by companies like BUNAC and InterExchange facilitate a special visa for temporary Working Holidays, provide orientation upon arrival, and give you access to a repertoire of job seeking resources. The magic of working abroad through a Working Holiday program in New Zealand is that the industry and position you work are entirely your own decision. Possible gigs include anything from leading tour groups along Auckland’s harbors to manning the concierge at a hotel.

2. Teach English in Thailand

Thai Buddhist monks bowing down at a temple

Devote yourself to the art of teaching English in the Land of Smiles

Teaching English is certainly one of the most popular jobs in foreign countries among young adults, and with good reason. A long-term work contract, guaranteed housing, decent pay and celebrity status among students at school are a few well-known perks, but why Thailand? The land of savory bites and ancient temples has skyrocketed into international fame as one of the top travel destinations in Asia Pacific, and not just thanks to its never-ending bargain massages. Answer the pressing demand for English teachers in Thailand and teach abroad!

3. Au Pair in Germany

German school crossing sign

Raise the next generation of German youth through an au pair program

Say Auf Wiedersehen to your old life and a give a big, fat German hallo to your new family, children, and country. Au pairing is what happens when live-in babysitter meets exchange student, resulting in something more of a glorified exchange babysitter. Increase your German skills and widen your cultural competency in Europe’s largest economy to become one of those global talents companies are drooling over nowadays. Take your German kids to a real kindergarten (English borrowed the German word) and learn about what makes this political and economic machine turn!

4. Work in Tourism and Hospitality in Spain

Beach in Spain

Add the fun to the sea and sun by working at resorts in Spain

Learn Castilian or Catalan, gain applicable professional experience in hospitality, and work in paradise with a work abroad program in Spain. What a deal! Common positions include leading kids club activities at resorts, hospitality management, and entertaining international hotel guests with your boundless passion for dance, tourism, and fun. With over 5,000 miles of coastline and world-renowned resort islands like Ibiza and Mallorca, tourism is an integral part of Spain’s economy, catering to guests from Europe and the world. Find out what the fuss is all about and escape to the Iberian Peninsula!

5. Marketing and Business in China

Shanghai skyline

Experience business in one of the world’s largest economies in China

For decades now, China has been a major player in the world economy. Few multinational corporations and international investments exist without Chinese influence, which is why understanding Chinese corporate culture and customs has become an invaluable asset in international business. Programs to work abroad in China, such as those offered by TopView International Education, provide the resources and networking you need for finding jobs abroad. Get an in-person look of international business from the other side, while learning a thing or two about the Middle Kingdom.

The notion of starting a new life overseas is exciting and romantic. The possibilities of who you could become and where your life could go are endless. However, just like life back home, things don’t always run as smoothly as you would hope and sometimes life just happens. Being flexible for unexpected changes and remembering to stay positive are essential traits to carry overseas if you want to find success working internationally. Carefully choosing the right work abroad program in the right country can hugely determine your experience.

Are you ready to rock your career with jobs in foreign countries?

A few factors to consider when choosing programs to work abroad:

Once you got all the pesky details ironed out, you’re ready to move abroad for work like a champ.

Choose from hundreds of jobs in foreign countries on GoAbroad
