Gabby Petito web sleuths claim she used codeword for DANGER in last messages after linking it to Emi

Publish date: 2024-05-03

GABBY Petito used a codeword for DANGER when texting her family days before her disappearance, according to wild claims from online sleuths.

The body of the vlogger, 22, was found in Wyoming at the weekend shortly after her ex-fiance Brian Laundrie vanished from his family home in Florida.

Police have confirmed that Brian remains a "person of interest' in the homicide case.

The FBI released the last text sent from Gabby's phone which used the word "Stan" which internet sleuths claim is a codeword for 'danger'.

In the August 27 text to her parents, the vlogger wrote: "Can you help Stan, I just keep getting his voicemails and missed calls."

Gabby's grandfather is called Stan - and it appears she is talking about him.

Despite this, social media users claim Stan is a reference to the Eminem song in which a male partner tied up his pregnant girlfriend before killing her.

Gabby's mother said "Stan" was meant to refer to Petito's grandfather, but since she rarely calls him by that name, she found the text "odd."

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Her phone was turned off later that day after the text was sent.

Police gained access to a hard drive found in Gabby's van which may also contain "evidence relevant to proving that a felony has been committed," a search warrant seen by WNYC said.

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Amateur online detectives claim Gabby was pregnant after a baby-themed Pinterest board and a “sonogram” on a dirt track near where her van was parked.

One sleuth, who watched a video posted by travel bloggers Jenn and Kyle Bethune, shared an image that looks like a “sonogram”.

The "picture" was among several items by the roadside including what looks like a spiraled notebook.

It remains unknown if a "sonogram" was among the items found near the couple's van.

Sleuths also speculated that Gabby may be pregnant after discovering a Pinterest board titled: “Oh Baby”.

The page contains several links to items of clothing that were previously for sale including onesies and crocheted bibs.

The claims that Gabby may be pregnant are purely speculation at this time.

It is not known if she was expecting a baby at the time of her disappearance.

This comes after a woman claimed she spotted a man who she is now certain was Brian "acting weird" around the area where Gabby was found dead.

Graphic designer Jessica Schultz, 38, camped out at Spread Creek, Wyoming with her friends between August 22-29.

Jessica said that she saw a white male and a white van on August 26. She claimed she saw the vehicle on two other days - the 27th and 28th.

The graphic designer said the man was "acting weird".

She said: "You know when you’re out in the middle of nowhere, your hackles go up when you see something that’s out of the ordinary.”

It was bodycam footage released by police in Utah last week that, Jessica said, convinced her to come forward.

The alleged sighting came just days after a man, known only as Chris, claimed that he saw Gabby and Brian fight on August 12, according to a Moab City Police statement.

Police were called following an "incident" involving the couple outside a grocery store on that day.

The witness alleged he heard Gabby call Brian "mean".

The couple toured national parks in Kansas, Colorado and Utah as they explored the midwest.

A witness told cops that "something seemed off" as they appeared to be having a "dispute" and "talking aggressively".

Chris alleged: "At one point, they were sort of fighting over a phone.

"It appeared that he didn’t want her in the white van. He got into the driver's seat and she followed him. At one point, she was punching him in the arm.

“She eventually climbed in/over him and over to the passenger seat. I heard her say ‘why do you have to be so mean.'

"I wasn't sure how serious this was. It was hard to tell if they were sort of play fighting but from my point of view, something definitely didn't seem right."

The couple were roughly two months into a four-month adventure when Brian returned to his Florida home with their van on September 1.

He was reported missing last week by his family and police started searching a vast 24,000 acre Florida nature reserve over the weekend.

Gabby's last known contact with her family was on August 25 when she and Brian reached the Wyoming nature reserve.

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She is believed to have been killed in a homicide, according to an initial autopsy report, FBI Denver said.

Police bodycam footage from August 12 shows Gabby Petito crying 'after fight with her boyfriend' in Utah

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